Industrial Consultancy offer nuclear safety case services with special skills being in radiological safety assessments (probabilistic and deterministic hazard analysis – HAZANs), hazard and operability studies (HAZOPs), nuclear design advice, Safety Management Systems and related topics. We also offer environmental assessments.
Recent work has involved production of category A (high hazard) assessments for Sellafield; Decommissioning cases for Dounreay and Chapelcross, Care and Maintenance safety cases; Plant Modification Proposals; advice (and appointment) to Safety Committees; independent peer review of assessments, modifications and safety cases.
Many plant owners regularly complain about the poor quality controls that they are often left with at the end of the production of a safety case, particularly by consultancy firms. Chris Simm, the director, has nearly 20 years of nuclear safety experience, including over 9 years of on-plant experience, and is a specialist in the pragmatic application of radiological safety. With this experience comes the ability to produce pragmatic controls that operators are able to use on plant with little deviation from their normal working routine. Similarly, engineered controls are chosen for maximum effectiveness, and with regard for the substantiation and implementation costs at the end of the safety case.
The skill sets developed within the nuclear industry are transferable to other industries such as oil & gas, public transportation, airports, chemical industry, etc. Non-nuclear assessments have been carried out for Dounreay on releases from bulk liquid gas (cryogenic) storage tanks, with an assessment methodology being developed for the site.
We would be pleased to discuss your specific requirements with you.